President Bush is Lying to America

President Bush lies to hide Special Interests
 Read about this insult to America: President Bush Lies to the Victims of 9/11
Bush deceives Americans about the terrorists motives to shield U.S. foreign policies from public scrutiny, his first concern is the special interests he serves. He does not respect our right to the truth and the media is just as bad. Not one mainstream media reporter pointed out that Bush lied, the media for the most part played along with the official lie. Bush isn't the only one lying about the terrorists' motives: Foreign Policies
And there are other lies President Bush has told
 A good article in the Nation by ERIC ALTERMAN: Bush Lies, Media Swallows
Other lies by President Bush: Eric Alterman gives an example of George W. Bush's lies about Iraq's nuclear capabilities and missile-delivery capabilities. Bush lied that Iraq possesses a fleet of unmanned aircraft that could be used "for missions targeting the United States." Bush also lied that a report by the International Atomic Energy Agency revealed the Iraqis to be "six months away from developing a weapon." Both of these statements are lies.
Robert M. Bowman, Lt. Col., USAF, (retired) tell the truth

 "Mr. President, you did not tell the American people the truth about why we are the targets of terrorism. You said that we are the target because we stand for democracy, freedom, and human rights in the world.

Baloney! We are the target of terrorist because we stand for dictatorship, bondage, and human exploitation in the world. We are the target of terrorists because we are hated. And we are hated because our government has done hateful things.

We are not hated because we practice democracy, freedom, and human rights. We are hated because our government denies these things to people in third world countries whose resources are coveted by our multinational corporations. And that hatred we have sown has come back to haunt us in the form of terrorism, and in the future, nuclear terrorism." -Robert M. Bowman, Lt. Col., USAF, (retired) Stopping Terrorism

Dr. Bowman flew 101 combat missions in Vietnam. His Ph.D. is in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering from Caltech. He is President of the Institute for Space and Security Studies and Presiding Archbishop of the United Catholic Church.

It is dangerous to divorce terrorism from politics
 "U.S. support for almost any ruler [often against the wishes of his people] willing to protect U.S. interests, routinely identified in Washington as oil and Israel ... It is dangerous to divorce terrorism from politics, yet the U.S. media continue to talk about an abstract war against terrorism without mention of the issues or context that lie behind them. ... Democratization "is not on the American agenda" in the Middle East. The reason? Because Washington finds it more efficient to support a range of dictators across the Arab world as long as they conform to U.S. foreign policy needs ."- Graham E. Fuller former CIA 8/24/98 How To End Terrorism and Corruption